Imagine a hot summer afternoon and enjoying a backyard pool party with your kids and pets.
Or perhaps it’s winter, and you want to finish up some routine chores like cleaning up your patio or washing your car, but it’s too cold to do so.
Warm water can go a long way in making these tasks easy and enjoyable, especially if you live in frigid zones.
This article talks about some methods to get warm water outside the house with a hose for whatever use you have for it.
How To Get Warm Water From Your Garden Hose?

Source | gregkorg / Pixabay
There are multiple ways to get warm water from your hose. You can either leave it out in the sun to warm it up or use specific adapters to connect it with your sink faucet. You can also use a POU water heater.
We’ll talk about each method extensively below:
1. Leaving The Hose Out In the Sun

Source | Storme22k / Pixabay
This is usually the go-to option for people who don’t want a lot of stress.
It is relatively easy and doesn’t require any effort at all. However, despite its ease, one drawback of this method is that it is not very efficient.
First, think of how long you will have to leave your garden hose under the sun for it to be warm. That’s going to take hours.
Next, it will turn cold all over again as water funnels through it.
So you’ll be wasting a lot of time on bits of warm water, barely enough to do anything.
Another drawback is that leaving your garden hose under the sun for hours could cause the hose to get very hot.
There’s a chance it would be too hot to touch. It could also get permanently discolored or suffer structural damage.
However, if you want more control over the temperature and quantity of warm water that passes through your hose, the second option is better for you.
2. Connecting A Hose To Your Kitchen/Bathroom Faucet

Source | Amazon
This is a pretty straightforward method for getting warm water into your garden hose while being equally efficient.
If you’ve never thought of connecting your hose to the kitchen or bathroom sink, now’s the time to try it.
All you need to do is ensure the hose is long enough to go around your house.
But what happens if the hose wouldn’t fit into the sink faucet?
This is likely to happen as a sink faucet isn’t designed to connect to a garden hose. You can’t even use your regular hose connector as it won’t fit around the faucet.
In this scenario, a garden hose aerator adapter can fix this problem quickly. You can get this at a supplies store or order it online.
You only need your good old pliers from your toolbox. Here is a step-by-step guide:
- Unfasten the aerator from your kitchen faucet gently using pliers. Make sure not to apply too much pressure as it can crack up the aerator.
- Next, measure the size of the aerator and its type. Most aerators are likely to be male type and measure 1/2 inch in diameter.
- Buy an aerator adapter according to the size and type determined in the previous step.
- Connect your hose to the adapter.
- Fasten the adapter to your kitchen faucet.
3. Using Point Of Use (POU) Water Heaters
A point-of-use (POU) water heater does an excellent job of providing hot water almost anywhere. Just connect it to your existing plumbing and switch it on.
The heaters are available in a range of tank sizes— from 2.5 to 20 gallons. Tankless options are available, too, which take up little space and are better suited to gardens.
The heaters can be operated on both gas as well as electricity.

Source: (Image is only used for informative purposes)
How Hot Does the Water Have to Be?

Source | planet_fox / Pixabay
Now you’ve gotten your hose to gush out warm water, how hot does the water have to be to prevent damage to the hose or to avoid hurting yourself?
Well, the truth is, this varies on the type of your garden hose.
Some hoses with quality material can withstand high temperatures for an extended period. On the other hand, others are not durable and are not made to handle hot water.
When trying the method above, it is essential to get a hose made with high-quality material to avoid having to replace it after just a few months.
A quality brand garden hose can handle 60-80°C (140-180°F) of hot water.
Some brands may carry the word ‘quality‘ in the labeling and not in the actual product. So it’s better to be on the safe side unless you’re sure the hose is top-notch.
Ideally, the water temperature going through the hose shouldn’t be more than 20-40°C (70-112°F). This is to keep you safe from any unwanted hazards.
Warm Hose Water for Your Garden Plants

Source | TheOtherKev / Pixabay
Water that’s too cold can damage the roots of your plants. On the other hand, boiling water can also cause your plants to go into shock.
Although some plants thrive in hot conditions, others aren’t that tolerant.
Using hot water could cause the leaves to get scalded and shriveled. It also burns off their protective coating.
Pouring hot water directly into the soil in a bid to “improve its condition” is not any better as it can wipe out all the beneficial living matter in the soil essential for plant growth.
So when watering your plants, make sure that the water is at optimal temperature.
How to Avoid Accidents With Your Hose?
It’s very tricky to work with warm water, as injuries can happen. So here are some ways to prevent hurting yourself.
1. Keep It Far From Your Children’s Reach

Source | matthiasboeckel / Pixabay
Your kids might have seen you use the above method to get warm water into your garden hose from time to time and might be eager to try it themselves unsupervised. Unfortunately, an accident is prone to occur in this situation.
So when you’re done with your hose, ensure to keep it far from the reach of the kids.
2. Monitor The Temperature
This is to avoid hurting yourself and ruining the hose.
Always check the temperature of the water coming out of your sink faucet before channeling it through a hose.
Also, make sure that the hose cools down after prolonged usage before winding it up.
3. Avoid Watering Plants With Warm/ Hot Water
As mentioned previously, plants are better off with water at room temperature. Warm/ hot water can cause permanent damage to the roots and leaves, all while posing a risk of injuries to pets and children.
Warm water can be pretty helpful at times, especially if you have a patio that requires deep cleaning or an outdoor pool that your kids love to get into during winter.
Thankfully you’ll never have to worry about getting warm water outdoors using the methods mentioned above.