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Rosalea Plant: How To Care And Grow

Have you heard of the Rosalea plant? It’s also referred to as the potted Azalea. The Yoder Brothers Inc, a  horticultural company, developed the plant and marketed it as an indoor Azalea plant variant.

Most gardeners have been fascinated by its beauty courtesy of its brilliant, multicolored appearance.

The colors range from white to peach, red, lavender, pink, or bi-colored. Their leaves are dark green and oval.

The plant is called Rosalea because of its rose resembling petals. It stands out in grocery stores and gardens and is often gifted as a bouquet.

If you would love to have the plant bloom in your garden, we offer you tips on caring for and maintaining it. Let’s get through it. 

rosalea-flowerRosalea Plant: How To Grow And Maintain?

The Rosalea plant is typically grown as a houseplant and in greenhouses. Caring for the plant is equally important as knowing how to grow it to ensure prolonged blooming. 

Growing The Rosalea Plant 

azalea-gardenGrow the Rosalea plant indoors for the best results. You also want to select a suitable cultivar that fits well in a greenhouse environment. Avoid going for the hardy Azaleas, which are more suited to the outside environment. 

If you are just getting started, you should note that most greenhouse azaleas are sold indoors, and their plastic pots are usually wrapped in decorative foil. Take care to remove it before potting to ensure you are not blocking any drainage holes.

If your plant was shipped in clear plastic sleeves, remove the sleeves on arrival to ensure they don’t cause leaf drops because of the trapped ethylene gas.

Another thing you want to check is their buds. Identify plants with fewer open buds if you intend to have your first bloom lasting longer.

Also, a healthy Rosalea plant has buds that show color during different stages of development. It’s a sign of active growth.

A common sign of unhealthy growth in your indoor Azalea is the yellowing of the leaves. Mealybugs and whiteflies could also infect the underside of the leaves. 

Ideal Growing Environment For Your Pink Rosalea Plants

growing-azaleaIn this section, we offer you indoor Azalea care tips to keep them bright and blooming for longer.

Soil And Fertilizer Requirements 

When preparing your potting medium, use any peat-based planting medium, preferably one that is lime-free. Too much lime leads to nutrient deficiency that causes leaf yellowing.

Rosalea plants prefer soils that are well-drained and rich in organic matter with a pH range of 5.5. Fertilize the plant during the growing season to maintain its health and bloom.

You want to use fertilizer types that are tailor-made for acid-loving plants. We recommend using an iron-based phosphorus fertilizer every two weeks. Dilute the fertilizer with water by half.


The Rosalea plant prefers long, light hours. However, direct sunlight should be avoided.

More often, they grow under the shade of high trees in their natural environment thriving on filtered sun rays.


Like other houseplants, the Rosalea plant thrives best under cool temperatures. For the best results, maintain a temperature range of 16-21 degrees celsius. Cool temperatures prolong blooming. 


To meet the optimum water requirements for Rosalea, you want to keep them in a pot with drainage holes. Ensure you water it thoroughly to keep all the roots wet.

Rosalea prefers some acidity, so you should use pure or distilled water when watering. You should always empty the drainage tray to prevent root rot.

The plants shouldn’t be dry or soggy but kept damp often. 


Maintain a moderate humidity level of 40% or above. You are better off working with a humidifier. 

Humidifying your Azalea helps prevent flowers from shriveling and browning. Avoid misting the plant with water which leads to fungal infections. 

Maintaining Your Rosalea Plant


Pruning is necessary for Rosalea to create more room for lateral growth and spread. Ensure to prune them all year round to promote vigorous growth making your plants look more attractive.

New stem tips of the Rosalea usually produce flowers that add more to the flower array within the plant. You should also prune dead-head flowers to encourage blooming and keep your plant looking fresh. 

Get Them To Rebloom 

The period after blooming shouldn’t be the end of your Rosalea plant. There is still a chance you can make it rebloom. What you want to be keen on are the conditions that will encourage reblooming.

Maintain it under cooler temperatures for two months during fall or winter. The temperatures shouldn’t be freezing and should be maintained at around 4-13 degrees Celcius.

This is necessary to make them produce buds that will bloom later. Ensure to give your plant enough water to prevent it from wilting. You also want to avoid fertilizing the plant around this time.

Rosalea has most of its nutrients stored in the leaves, and adding more fertilizer will lead to an overdose that will promote more vegetative growth instead of the flowers. 


Another way of taking excellent care of your Azalea is to repot it. This should be after 2-3 years, preferably. Repotting improves their flower production.

However, you should avoid repotting the plant during the blooming period. It causes the flowers to drop. As is the norm, use a pot with a drainage hole or an azalea-specific pot. 

Pest Control 

As earlier mentioned, bugs could be a menace to your Rosalea plant. Take care of the slightest infestation of spider mites or mealybugs with the appropriate chemicals.

In cases of severe infestation, get rid of the plant to prevent the pests from spreading to other plants within the garden.

If a particular area is known for bugs, consider moving your Rosalea to another indoor area. 

Disease Control

A common disease symptom in Rosalea is leaf browning. This is often due to a fungus infection or root rot. The best remedy often is to discard the plant to prevent the disease from spreading.

Wrap Up 

Caring for and growing Rosalea isn’t rocket science. It all boils down to knowing the right growing conditions and performing the routine maintenance practices required for optimal growth.

Spruce your garden with this beautiful plant that doubles up as a gift for your friends and loved ones. Cherish the beautiful indoor Azalea. 

Rosalea Plant: How To Care And Grow

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